A wood of 365 trees has been planted behind the temple to the north, to create an auspicious environment in line with the ancient science of geomancy.
Among the varieties of trees are oak and evergreen oak, holly and sea holly, hazel, birch, larch, dogwood, rose and *rhododendron.
* NOT the invasive species of rhododendron (called Ponticum), but other varieties; Cosmopolitan, Scyphocalix, Marie Forte and Cunningham’s White.
Old wood has been cleared to create fire breaks, but whenever possible younger trees are being moved rather than cut.
A further 365 trees will be planted to the north and west of the temple in 2020.
Your offering of a tree creates a growing connection with beautifying the temple and contributes to the positive spiritual energy of the site. This offering will live to benefit the world and delight future generations.
If offering on someones behalf, don't forget to let us know their name under the "Special Instructions" option on check out.
The Dalai Lama wrote a powerful poem encouraging ecological responsibility, which emphasises the sacred qualiities of trees and their importance in our living world.
From 'The Sheltering Tree of Interdependence:
A Buddhist Monk's Reflections on Ecological Responsibility'
by His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama
Under a tree the great Saga Buddha was born;
Under a tree, he overcame passion
And attained enlightenment;
Under two trees he passed into Nirvana:
Truly, the Buddha held the tree in great esteem
Here, where Manjushri's emanation
Lama Tson Khapa's body bloomed forth
Is marked by a sandal tree
Bearing a hundred thousand images of the Buddha
Is it not well known
That some transcendental deities
Eminent local deities and spirits
Make their abode in trees?
Flourishing trees clean the wind,
Help us breathe the sustaining air of life;
They please the eye and soothe the mind.
Their shade makes a welcome resting-place.
In Vinaya, the Buddha taught monks
To care for tender trees;
From this, we learn the virtue
Of planting, of nurturing trees.
The Buddha forbade monks to cut
Or cause others to cut living plants,
Destroy seeds or defile the fresh green grass;
Should this not inspire us
To love and protect our environment?
They say, in the celestial realms
The trees emanate
The Buddha's blessings
And echo the sound
Of basic Buddhist doctrines
Like impermanence.
It is tree that brings rain,
Trees that hold the essence of the soil.
Kalpa-Taru, the tree of wish-fulfillment
Appears to reside on earth
To serve all purposes.
In times of yore
Our forbears ate the fruits of trees,
Wore their leaves,
Discovered fire by the attrition of wood,
Took refuge amidst the foliage of trees
When they encountered danger.
Even in this age of science,
Of technology,
Trees provide us shelter;
The chairs we sit in,
The beds we lie on.
When the heart is ablaze
With the fire of anger,
Fueled by wrangling,
Trees bring refreshing, welcome coolness
In the trees lie the roars
Of all life on earth.
When it vanishes
The land exemplified by the name
Of the Jambu tree
Will remain no more than a dreary, desolate desert.